Where is the Nearest Pay Phone?

Stop for a minute – When was the last time you saw a pay phone on the street? At a gas station? In a Hotel? You haven’t because they don’t exist anymore… Dammit if I wasn’t driving down the street one day and ...
by Communicado Magazine


An Adventure in Bath Towels

When was the last time YOU went shopping for bath towels? I would venture a guess that it’s not something you even think about. I certainly didn’t, until I stopped one day and looked at mine. Then I started doing the math&#...
by Communicado Magazine


Taco Bell Breakfast

I have to take this moment to commend Taco Bell for their latest ad campaign. They’ve launched Taco Bell breakfast and are using Ronald McDonald for testimonials. Brilliant. The catch: Taco Bell has scoured the country for me...
by Communicado Magazine




CineBistro is a movie theater. No, it’s a restaurant. No, its a movie theater with a restaurant in it or a restaurant with a movie theater in it? Dammit its both! In my travels down the east coast, I came across CineBistro. I...
by Communicado Magazine


Wickles Pickles

I’m a condiment junkie. If I could shoot mustard into my veins, I would do it. So, I’m always on the lookout for new, interesting condiments… any kind of condiments… in any combination of flavors. I like to ...
by Communicado Magazine


Wendy’s Pretzel Bacon Cheeseburger

I remember the first time I ever had Wendy’s… It was the late 70’s and we were visiting a close family friend who had recently moved to Columbus, Ohio. For those of you who don’t know, Wendy’s corporation is headq...
by Communicado Magazine