Newman’s Own Pizzas

I like pizza, but, I don’t love it. I find it interesting when I talk to people who say they could eat pizza everyday of their lives and be really happy. Not me. I remember back to my days in college. We’d decide to get fan...
by Communicado Magazine


Dr. Pepper Ten

I’ve been injecting Dr. Pepper into my blood stream since I was about seven. Like many of my food vices, it’s the only soda/soft drink/pop I will drink. But, I restrict how much so as not to over-saturate the joy. And now t...
by Communicado Magazine


Burger King’s New Fries

I love Burger King. It’s my favorite of the fast-fast food chains. I could eat Whoppers everyday – in fact, when I was in college, there was a BK near the campus and I did eat a Whopper a day. And I still love them̷...
by Communicado Magazine



The Daily Double

I try not to eat too much fast food, but, like everyone, sometimes we succumb. For the purposes of testing new products, I make exceptions as well. Today’s exception is the Daily Double at McDonald’s. Apparently, It...
by Communicado Magazine

Netflix Logo

Netflix You!

That even sounds dirty to me… Netflix has officially become a pronoun. You’ve been Netflixed! Before I get into the rational discussion of NETFLIX, I have to note the mass amounts of outrage spewing from former Netflix ...
by Communicado Magazine