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Netflix You!

That even sounds dirty to me… Netflix has officially become a pronoun. You’ve been Netflixed! Before I get into the rational discussion of NETFLIX, I have to note the mass amounts of outrage spewing from former Netflix ...
by Communicado Magazine


News International and News Corporation = Criminal Activity

I just don’t know where to begin with this one. I mean, being a journalist is supposed to equal honesty, integrity, a responsibility to the consumer… What the F? I guess to be fair, News Corp has not been implicated...
by Communicado Magazine


No More NASA?

OKAY, I’m being overly dramatic. NASA is not actually going away, just the space program. But, that’s not clear in the way it’s being reported in the news. The news filter is clearly clogged. Important details are not mak...
by Communicado Magazine



The CBS Evening News

So, I’m a news snob. And, having spent the better part of a decade hunting down news, I feel justified as such. My favorite – The CBS Evening News… sorta. I grew up watching CBS local and national news. They a...
by Communicado Magazine