Johnsonville Sausage Strips


Bottom Line 2 / 5 - Below Average
by Communicado Magazine


It’s Actually Not a Dollar…

Did you know that all dollar stores don’t sell item exclusively for a dollar? Like most consumers, it is natural to believe that a store with the word DOLLAR in its name means everything is a dollar. But it really means every...
by Communicado Magazine


Presidential Election Revelation

As mentioned on numerous occasions, I am as non-partisan as it gets. Don’t care what party the candidate represents, only care that they are qualified and can make their case as a public servant. But I am VERY political…...
by Communicado Magazine



The Impossible Whopper

I can resist fast food. But I cannot resist Burger King. My latest discovery at Burger King? The Impossible Whopper. Now I’ve been eating Whoppers in volume for more decades than I’d care to say. I was even a Burger King in...
by Communicado Magazine


The USPS Is Not…

I recently had an unsettling experience with the United States Postal Service (USPS) that reminded me of several previous unsettling experiences with the United States Postal Service. I thought it critical to bring my professio...
by Communicado Magazine


Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich

It’s a chicken sandwich. How many things can you do to/add to/change about a chicken sandwich? Popeye’s has been having this swell of attention over it’s chicken sandwich. So much so that it sold out for a period of time ...
by Communicado Magazine