The Travel Ban

So we’ve had a new President for approximately two weeks and we already have our first controversy – The U.S. travel ban. It’s an executive order put in place by President Trump restricting entry to the United States ...
by Communicado Magazine


What have we done to our Election Process…

You should probably sit down… This is gonna take a minute… Originally, I said I wanted to start writing about Election 2016 at the beginning of 2016 because our general election cycles have started running together – ...
by Communicado Magazine


Five Guys or Shake Shack?

I do love a good burger. But, as Americans, I think that’s a requirement. I recently wrote a post about a gourmet burger I had at an upscale restaurant in lower Manhattan. It was a $25 burger… Don’t get me wrong, it was g...
by Communicado Magazine




So, the United Kingdom has decided they do not want to be a part of the European Union. They want to be their own sovereignty. Is anyone shocked by this? We’re talking about a nation that still has a royal family that is ...
by Communicado Magazine


Reinventing Chick-fil-A

I used to love Chick-fil-A. It was a treat. The only Chick-fil-A was in an obscure mall a train ride away. It was an adventure… Then Chick-fil-A decided to condemn same-sex marriage and I had to cut off my support as a consum...
by Communicado Magazine


Islamic or Extremist?

OK. I’m going to tread into dangerous territory… I’m going to offer some possibilities about the Middle East. First, is there anything about the Middle East that isn’t dangerous territory? I’m having trouble findi...
by Communicado Magazine