Facebook’s True Value…

FACEBOOK IS A FLOP ON WALL STREET! For those of you who are surprised, you weren’t thinking about it correctly. From a strictly business perspective, it make sense that Facebook would not do well because collecting friends is...
by Communicado Magazine


Starter Cartridges

I recently decided to upgrade to a wireless printer at home. My previous printer was an HP and I’ve had great success with it, so, I decided to buy another one. I bought it, went through the agony of getting it set up wireles...
by Communicado Magazine


Newman’s Own Pizzas

I like pizza, but, I don’t love it. I find it interesting when I talk to people who say they could eat pizza everyday of their lives and be really happy. Not me. I remember back to my days in college. We’d decide to get fan...
by Communicado Magazine



Dr. Pepper Ten

I’ve been injecting Dr. Pepper into my blood stream since I was about seven. Like many of my food vices, it’s the only soda/soft drink/pop I will drink. But, I restrict how much so as not to over-saturate the joy. And now t...
by Communicado Magazine


Burger King’s New Fries

I love Burger King. It’s my favorite of the fast-fast food chains. I could eat Whoppers everyday – in fact, when I was in college, there was a BK near the campus and I did eat a Whopper a day. And I still love them̷...
by Communicado Magazine


America’s Best Contacts & Eyeglasses

I needed to get new glasses. Or so I thought. It had been almost 10 years since my last eye exam, so, it was at least time for that. So, I started out on my quest to find just the right pair of frames. Had no idea that picking ...
by Communicado Magazine