The Benghazi Aftermath

The U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was attacked on September 11, 2012. U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens was killed. An information officer and two security officers were also killed. As of this date, we are still...
by Communicado Magazine


Politics A-Plenty

So we started June with a quote from President Obama, “The private sector is doing fine.” What did he say that for. Clearly, Republicans jumped all over it, but, at no point were any of their retorts to the statement founde...
by Communicado Magazine


Politically Correct

WTF. So President Obama had to apologize for making a compliment. WTF! In a speech at a Democratic fundraising event recently, the President said this of California Attorney General Kamala Harris: “She is brilliant and she is...
by Communicado Magazine




It’s January, 2015 and President Obama has officially declared all wars are over and recalled all unnecessary troops back to the U.S. It’s been 14 years. Iraq and Afghanistan. Now there’s gonna be an endless stream of eva...
by Communicado Magazine


Positive Campaigning… Negative Campaigning…

In my last post on politics, I didn’t get to address the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare. A couple of things surfaced from that event… First, the Republican party wasn’t sure which statement they wanted to make as a...
by Communicado Magazine


Islamic or Extremist?

OK. I’m going to tread into dangerous territory… I’m going to offer some possibilities about the Middle East. First, is there anything about the Middle East that isn’t dangerous territory? I’m having trouble findi...
by Communicado Magazine