The Road to Super Tuesday…

January turned out to be an interesting month for the Republican Presidential candidates. A correction in the Iowa caucus results and an upset in South Carolina. My thought is that we walked into February even and I feel like I...
by Communicado Magazine


Islamic or Extremist?

OK. I’m going to tread into dangerous territory… I’m going to offer some possibilities about the Middle East. First, is there anything about the Middle East that isn’t dangerous territory? I’m having trouble findi...
by Communicado Magazine


Super Tuesday is Over: Did Anything Change?

Super Tuesday is over and we’re no closer to a proper Republican candidate than we were Monday. Not a surprise. The results: Romney wins six states; Santorum wins 3 states; Gingrich wins 1. But, the contest with which the pun...
by Communicado Magazine



Positive Campaigning… Negative Campaigning…

In my last post on politics, I didn’t get to address the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare. A couple of things surfaced from that event… First, the Republican party wasn’t sure which statement they wanted to make as a...
by Communicado Magazine


Immigration Reform

At last, the U.S. Congress has passed an immigration bill. And I think that’s great. But, as I thought on the issue, I realized that the impetus to make most of this happen was in reaction to the battle over the Mexican borde...
by Communicado Magazine


The IRS Scandal

So it appears the IRS has been discriminatory to some conservative groups when they applied for tax exempt status. Conservative groups… Like the tea party… To be clear, the exact charge was that tea party and conser...
by Communicado Magazine