I’ve been writing about television a lot lately. It’s a symptom of the fact that my babysitters as a child were a 19 inch Magnavox floor model with retractable doors and a black and white Zenith with rabbit ears. Latest TV ...
I got this question for Ask BA: Hey BA: What does LGBTQIA mean? I heard it on the Emmy’s and thought, “What’s the I-A for? AND, is it offensive to wonder when that acronym will stop growing? This is a tough one because so...
I used to love Chick-fil-A. It was a treat. The only Chick-fil-A was in an obscure mall a train ride away. It was an adventure… Then Chick-fil-A decided to condemn same-sex marriage and I had to cut off my support as a consum...
August 28, 2013 is the 50th anniversary of The March on Washington and the original delivery of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech, “I Have a Dream.” The original march was actually, The March on Washington for Jobs and...