The 86th Annual Academy Awards

I usually do Oscar predictions; This year I’ve decided to do it in hindsight. The show is over and the winners have been named. Now is my chance to test my perspective and ability to analyze an outcome based on the actual out...
by Communicado Magazine


The Alphabet Mafia

June is national pride month. It’s the time to celebrate the LGBT+ community. No I didn’t forget the Q, I left it out on purpose to give set up to this post. The Alphabet Mafia… In a previous post, I went through the acro...
by Communicado Magazine


Ethnic TV

I’ve been writing about television a lot lately. It’s a symptom of the fact that my babysitters as a child were a 19 inch Magnavox floor model with retractable doors and a black and white Zenith with rabbit ears. Latest TV ...
by Communicado Magazine



The Travel Ban

So we’ve had a new President for approximately two weeks and we already have our first controversy – The U.S. travel ban. It’s an executive order put in place by President Trump restricting entry to the United States ...
by Communicado Magazine


The 87th Academy Awards

Hindsight is 20/20. Last year, I decided to review the Oscars instead of predict the Oscars. That worked. I’m doing that again… My first review item is the host. Hugh Jackman is my story and I’m sticking to it. I like...
by Communicado Magazine



I absolutely despise the term MAN UP. Don’t know from where it came but would like to see it go back there. It’s sexist… its insensitive, it perpetuates misogyny. It’s basically saying you’re not being man enough....
by Communicado Magazine