The 90th Academy Awards

In what has become a Communicado standard, it’s time to review The Academy Awards. 90 years of Oscars for 2018. Sit back and relax… First, I want to say that this year was devoid of drama. I didn’t feel like they were try...
by Communicado Magazine


The Term Diversity & Inclusion is a Bumper Sticker

The term Diversity & Inclusion has served as modern speak for the entire diversity space. Like a bumper sticker… Sounds great but… For the last decade, it’s how our society has greeted the effort to support, ...
by Communicado Magazine


NFL Season Opener 2011

First game of the season… The New Orleans Saints vs. the Green Bay Packers. The last two Superbowl champions. How awesome is that for a season opener. Especially after all the BS over the player lockout. But then the game...
by Communicado Magazine



Take a Knee

I’m not sure what delayed me writing this post considering the subject matter… Maybe because its was so much in the news and I tend to avoid all things news – NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS – But now that the dust has...
by Communicado Magazine


Game of the Playoffs: Broncos vs. Steelers

I have not been on the Tim Tebow train and admittedly, I’m still not on it, but, what happened in the playoff game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Denver Broncos would make anyone stop and pause for a moment… Di...
by Communicado Magazine


March Madness 2013

I continue to be bewildered by the numbers of people who either don’t like basketball at all or have no knowledge of basketball at any level. I also continue to be shocked at how much I love basketball. I can be tired as hell...
by Communicado Magazine