Posts Tagged ‘Mitt Romney’


First Caucus, First Primary

The political process in the U.S. is somewhat complicated. Caucuses and primaries and delegates and electoral votes; Whew! And that’s the process just to elect our officials – once they’re elected, you need a full cor...
by Communicado Magazine


Credibility is King

Now that the candidates have been decided for the 2012 Presidential election, the talk has turned to more specifics. First thing I want to point out: Talk of the election turning on being a referendum vs. being a choice. Isn’...
by Communicado Magazine


The Road to Super Tuesday…

January turned out to be an interesting month for the Republican Presidential candidates. A correction in the Iowa caucus results and an upset in South Carolina. My thought is that we walked into February even and I feel like I...
by Communicado Magazine



Super Tuesday is Over: Did Anything Change?

Super Tuesday is over and we’re no closer to a proper Republican candidate than we were Monday. Not a surprise. The results: Romney wins six states; Santorum wins 3 states; Gingrich wins 1. But, the contest with which the pun...
by Communicado Magazine


April: A Make or Break Month for Republicans?

So the Republican nomination campaign train keeps going… My last post centered around Super Tuesday. I didn’t feel that anything dramatic came of Super Tuesday, but, I knew there would be more to come. More is here̷...
by Communicado Magazine


It’s a New May…

As it turns out, April WAS a make or break month for the Republicans. Rounding out much bristle, both Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich suspended their campaigns, leaving Mitt Romney as the imminent Republican presidential candid...
by Communicado Magazine