Posts Tagged ‘Obamacare’


The Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act is the new law governing healthcare in the United States of America. It’s called THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT, not Obamacare. The difference in terminology is the subject of this post… Universal healt...
by Communicado Magazine


Politics A-Plenty

So we started June with a quote from President Obama, “The private sector is doing fine.” What did he say that for. Clearly, Republicans jumped all over it, but, at no point were any of their retorts to the statement founde...
by Communicado Magazine


Positive Campaigning… Negative Campaigning…

In my last post on politics, I didn’t get to address the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare. A couple of things surfaced from that event… First, the Republican party wasn’t sure which statement they wanted to make as a...
by Communicado Magazine