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Netflix You!

That even sounds dirty to me… Netflix has officially become a pronoun. You’ve been Netflixed! Before I get into the rational discussion of NETFLIX, I have to note the mass amounts of outrage spewing from former Netflix ...
by Communicado Magazine


The Daily Double

I try not to eat too much fast food, but, like everyone, sometimes we succumb. For the purposes of testing new products, I make exceptions as well. Today’s exception is the Daily Double at McDonald’s. Apparently, It...
by Communicado Magazine


Hikers, Not Criminals

I don’t know where to start with this. There’s just so much wrong in this scenario. I’ll start with the basic situation. Josh Fattal, Shane Bauer and Sarah Shourd went hiking somewhere between Iraq and Iran. Maybe I shoul...
by Communicado Magazine



Starter Cartridges

I recently decided to upgrade to a wireless printer at home. My previous printer was an HP and I’ve had great success with it, so, I decided to buy another one. I bought it, went through the agony of getting it set up wireles...
by Communicado Magazine


First Caucus, First Primary

The political process in the U.S. is somewhat complicated. Caucuses and primaries and delegates and electoral votes; Whew! And that’s the process just to elect our officials – once they’re elected, you need a full cor...
by Communicado Magazine



But First, This is Today on NBC… Not anymore. The Today Show’s lock on morning ratings has ended. They’ve lost their power and they did it to themselves. Let me start with the point at which the cracks started showing...
by Communicado Magazine