This Week on ABC

I AM VINDICATED! When the announcement was made that Christiane Amanpour would be taking over as anchor of This Week on ABC, I had mixed feelings. Not because I don’t think she’s great – I think she’s great. But, I ...
by Communicado Magazine


The CBS Evening News

So, I’m a news snob. And, having spent the better part of a decade hunting down news, I feel justified as such. My favorite – The CBS Evening News… sorta. I grew up watching CBS local and national news. They a...
by Communicado Magazine


NBC’s Rock Center: Enough Already!

Rock Center is Dateline by another name. It’s NBC’s attempt to strike gold by gathering as much star power as they can in one place. It could work for the casual viewer, but, as a media professional, it’s just another...
by Communicado Magazine



Harry Smith is the Final Straw

The last time I wrote about Harry Smith was to say CBS should have made their newscast, The CBS Evening News with Harry Smith. They didn’t do that and now, Harry Smith is at NBC News. I just watched him fill in for Lester Hol...
by Communicado Magazine


News International and News Corporation = Criminal Activity

I just don’t know where to begin with this one. I mean, being a journalist is supposed to equal honesty, integrity, a responsibility to the consumer… What the F? I guess to be fair, News Corp has not been implicated...
by Communicado Magazine


Network Morning Showdown

The Morning shows for the networks have always been a significant part of their news revenues, but, of late, the genre has turned into a juggernaut. I like that word – JUG-GER-NAUT. 🙂 And now, CBS had endeavored to re-...
by Communicado Magazine