by Communicado Magazine


Politically Correct

WTF. So President Obama had to apologize for making a compliment. WTF! In a speech at a Democratic fundraising event recently, the President said this of California Attorney General Kamala Harris: “She is brilliant and she is...
by Communicado Magazine


Ethnic TV

I’ve been writing about television a lot lately. It’s a symptom of the fact that my babysitters as a child were a 19 inch Magnavox floor model with retractable doors and a black and white Zenith with rabbit ears. Latest TV ...
by Communicado Magazine



The Term Diversity & Inclusion is a Bumper Sticker

The term Diversity & Inclusion has served as modern speak for the entire diversity space. Like a bumper sticker… Sounds great but… For the last decade, it’s how our society has greeted the effort to support, ...
by Communicado Magazine


The Travel Ban

So we’ve had a new President for approximately two weeks and we already have our first controversy – The U.S. travel ban. It’s an executive order put in place by President Trump restricting entry to the United States ...
by Communicado Magazine



I absolutely despise the term MAN UP. Don’t know from where it came but would like to see it go back there. It’s sexist… its insensitive, it perpetuates misogyny. It’s basically saying you’re not being man enough....
by Communicado Magazine