Hikers, Not Criminals

I don’t know where to start with this. There’s just so much wrong in this scenario. I’ll start with the basic situation. Josh Fattal, Shane Bauer and Sarah Shourd went hiking somewhere between Iraq and Iran. Maybe I shoul...
by Communicado Magazine


Harry Smith is the Final Straw

The last time I wrote about Harry Smith was to say CBS should have made their newscast, The CBS Evening News with Harry Smith. They didn’t do that and now, Harry Smith is at NBC News. I just watched him fill in for Lester Hol...
by Communicado Magazine

Financial Crisis

S&P Who? S&P What?

A few years ago, I wrote an account of my experience with an investment firm. At the beginning of August, I had the great pleasure to speak to the debate over the economy and in that post, I referenced the role investment firms...
by Communicado Magazine



The Debate Over the Economy

I have made a point not to write about the debt ceiling or the national debt or the shenanigans of our national elected officials until today, August 2, 2011. Why? Because I knew they would string this out until the last minute...
by Communicado Magazine


The CBS Evening News – Round 2

It’s been almost 2 months since Scott Pelley took the anchor chair and he’s away on his first assignment for 60 Minutes. 2 Days into his absence and I’m back on board. Bob Schieffer is awesome. Day 2 with Bob Schieffer...
by Communicado Magazine

Netflix Logo

Netflix You!

That even sounds dirty to me… Netflix has officially become a pronoun. You’ve been Netflixed! Before I get into the rational discussion of NETFLIX, I have to note the mass amounts of outrage spewing from former Netflix ...
by Communicado Magazine